Arrival Information for Japanese Students
What to do before you leave for Canada:
- If you pay home fees in Japan, you do not have to pay host fees at the University of Waterloo. If you plan to arrive in Waterloo after the fees due date, pay your fees prior to leaving for Canada. A Statement of fees should be mailed to you from the Finance department 1 to 2 months prior to the beginning of your term of admission. Please keep a copy of your Statement of Fees for your records before returning the original to Finance with your payment. See the Finance web site for fee payment instructions under Student Fees. Late fees for September admissions start in mid-August (exact date not yet published). Please consult the graduate calendar for due date information as it becomes available.
- Applicants should not leave for Canada until they have a Letter of Acceptance issued from the University of Waterloo and a Study Permit valid for study at the University of Waterloo issued by Canada Immigration. Please bring both of these documents with you to Canada.Ensure you have reserved a place in residency with the Housing office early (about eight months in advance).
- Book transportation from Toronto Airport to Waterloo (Airways Transit).
What to do when you arrive at the University of Waterloo:
- Meet with the Graduate Coordinator to introduce yourself and for help getting oriented.
- Ensure your fees have been properly paid and that you submitted your UHIP application form to Finance. This can be checked once you register on the on-line student system QUEST. If you have any questions, please see the Graduate Coordinator for assistance. Late fees will be automatically added to your fee assessments if fees are not paid by the scheduled fees due date.
- Depending on which exchange program you are admitted (Tottori or Kyoto) you will be required to pay tuition fees at either Waterloo or your home University.
- Health Insurance (UHIP: University Health Insurance Plan): You will need to pay health insurance and incidental fees. These fees amount to approximately $360.00 per term (subject to change). A Non Resident Health charge (UHIP) will be added to all Study Permit Fee Statements. UHIP for one person is approximately $270.56 and for two persons it is $541.10 (subject to change).
- See Study/Living Costs for International Students.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Vicky Lawrence, Administrative Coordinator, Graduate Studies, Systems Design Engineering directly at 519-885-1211 Ext. 33498,