Location: |
Tottori University is located in the beautiful City of Tottori on the western side of Honshu Island by the Sea of Japan. |
Language: |
Knowledge of Japanese - some lectures will be presented in English; examinations can be written in English. Completion of Japanese language courses before going to Japan is compulsory. Be sure to contact the Faculty Exchange Office for assistance in signing up for the appropriate language course(s). This must be done two terms before the course is to be offeredfurther assistance. |
Disciplines: |
Systems Design, Civil, Electrical and Computer, and Mechanical Engineering |
Selection Criteria: |
- Previous academic performance (minimum average is 70%)Enrolment in Japanese language classes
- Attitude, Enthusiasm, and Maturity
Term Type: |
One academic term, one work term.
Schedule of 3A academic term in Japan:
- Arrive in Tottori in early AprilTake classes from mid-April to end of JulyFinal exams written in English
- Travel around Japan and Asia until mid-September
Work Term: |
From mid-September until late December. Tottori professors arrange work term jobs located throughout Japan. |
Tuition: |
Pay home tuition fees at the University of Waterloo. |
Housing: |
Tottori University provides assistance for finding affordable accomodation. Other living expenses in Tottori are similar to those in Waterloo. |
Application: |
A completed application form should be submitted to the Faculty Exchange Office, CPH-1320, no later than April 15th of the 2A Winter academic term. The application should also include a covering letter addressed to Professor Keith Hipel that includes personal motivations for wanting to go to Japan, plans for Japanese language instruction, as well as exact academic and work term addresses and telephone numbers. Signatures are not initially required. Signatures will be obtained after students have been notified of their acceptance into the exchange program. Acceptance decisions are made in October of the applicant's 2B academic term. |
Health Insurance: |
Students must provide their own health insurance. Make sure coverage does not lapse while away! |
Air Fare: |
Variable, depending greatly on your flight dates, stopovers, etc. Check with several travel agents. |
Visas: |
Before obtaining a visa at the Japanese Consulate in Toronto, information is mailed to Japan to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from the Ministry of Justice in Hiroshima. |
Note: |
Each student is responsible for ensuring that all the required information is supplied to his/her department and to the Cooperative Education Department and that the approval of both has been obtained. The student must also ensure that the proposed package of courses satisfies all the requirements of his/her department, as well as those of her/his Designated Option, if applicable.
All students should attend a predeparture session arranged by Ms.Maria Lango in the International Exchange Office in Needles Hall. |
UW Coordinators: |
Website: |
http://sydewww.uwaterloo.ca/Faculty/Hipel/ and http://www.tottori-u.ac.jp/tottori_e.html |