Overview of Research
Overall, my major research interests are the development of
conflict resolution, multiple criteria decision analysis, time series
analysis and other decision-making methodologies for addressing
challenging interdisciplinary system of systems engineering problems
lying at the confluence of society, technology and the environment,
with applications in water resources management, hydrology,
environmental engineering, energy, and sustainable development. Descriptions of research topics as well as
representative publications are given below. For information regarding
research on multiple participant-multiple objective decision making and
a detailed publication list, kindly refer to the web sites for the
Conflict Analysis Group and Curriculum Vitae for Keith W. Hipel,
respectively. Moreover, course descriptions are available for SYDE 533
Conflict Resolution, and SYDE 631 Time Series Modelling, both of which
I have the distinct pleasure of teaching to our students every fall
To maintain high quality research that is relevant and at the cutting
edge of developments in a given field, my co-workers and I have
embraced a global outlook with respect to our research projects. Our
books have been published by well known international companies, our
papers have appeared in highly respected national and international
journals, and our conference papers have been presented at prestigious
meetings held in Canada and abroad. Over the years, I have been
privileged to become associated with many academic and professional
organizations including the Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Society
of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the
American Water Resources Association (AWRA), the Royal Society of
Canada (RSC), the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), and the
Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). Moreover, I have thoroughly
enjoyed my role as an Associate Editor of many international journals
including the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, and
Group Decision and Negotiation. Additionally, the valuable experience I
have gained in carrying out consulting activities for government
agencies, engineering firms and utilities in Japan, Brazil, the United
States and Canada, has significantly enhanced my research endeavours.
Finally, our students have been able to learn through first-hand
experience the language and culture of a foreign country via
participation in engineering exchange programs between the University
of Waterloo and Tottori and Kyoto Universities in Japan, as well as the
Tokyo Institute of Technology, in Japan, all of which I helped to found
as a direct result of ongoing joint research projects with Japanese
collegues during the past two decades.