Application Information for Japanese Students
Thank you for your interest in applying to the University of Waterloo Kyoto-Waterloo or Tottori-Waterloo Exchange program. It is my hope that you will find this a worthwhile and rewarding experience to speak of for years to come. I have created a list of items and instructions that will be of assistance to you as you complete and submit your application to this program.
There are two application processes required at the University of Waterloo. First, we require each student to complete an Application for Admission and submit the supporting documents as outlined below. Secondly, each student must urgently complete a Residency Application once formally admitted to the University of Waterloo and when he or she receives their student ID number.
1) Application for Admission procedures:
To apply for admission please download, complete and submit the following 4 items listed below:
- A completed "Application for Admission" form. Under Program information on the application, check the box Non-degree and print in either "Tottori" or "Kyoto Exchange" as it applies to you. Three (3) Letters of Reference.
Include an official transcript and degree certificate for Bachelor and if applicable, Master's degree.
- Systems Design Engineering Supplementary Information for New Applicants document. ***Please note***: You do not need to pay the application fee or provide English Competency test results as referred to in the application information on the World Wide Web.
Please mail the above 4 items for each applicant to:
Attn: Ms. Vicky Lawrence
Systems Design Engineering, DC 2641
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
Admission is finalized once you are in possession of a Letter of Acceptance received from the Graduate Studies Office, University of Waterloo.
2) Residency Application procedures:
- Students must apply to reserve a place in residence using the electronic Housing application. Spaces are limited and fill up quickly. Please complete and submit the housing application as soon as you receive your UW student ID number. This can be found on your official Letter of Acceptance. Remember, residence accommodation cannot be guaranteed for exchange students so the earlier you apply the better the chance we have of accommodating you.
- Students may be directed to the Housing web site for more information. We also encourage you to email the housing office with any questions concerning housing/residency.Students are currently expected to reside at the Columbia Lake Townhouses.
Columbia Lake Townhouses
200 University Avenue West
University of Waterloo
Waterloo Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
Tel: (519) 885 -1211 ext. 32679
Exchange students who are offered a room and who will be studying here for two terms will sign a contract to live in Residence for two terms. If they leave Residence without fulfilling their commitment a $500.00 withdrawal fee will be charged.
- Please see residence fees. Meal plans are not mandatory although they are available through Food Services.
Study Permit: You will be expected to possess a valid Study Permit for the duration of your studies at the University of Waterloo. Sometimes it can take up to four months to obtain a Study Permit. You may find helpful information at: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
What to do when you receive the Systems Design Engineering contract letter:
- Sign, date and return the original and keep the copy provided for your records.
- Fax the signed document to the attention of Vicky Lawrence, Administrative Coordinator, Graduate Studies, Systems Design Engineering at 519-746-4791 and mail the original to the address above. This will ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Vicky Lawrence