Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis
MCDA, a set of alternative solutions for solving a given problem are
evaluated and compared according to a range of criteria such as costs,
benefits, environmental effects, and social impacts. Researchers in the
Conflict Analysis Group have designed formal methods for taking interdependence
among alternatives into account when a final resolution may consist of
a combination of alternatives, such as when a regional government
selects a mixture of groundwater, lake water and conservation
alternatives for satisfying future water demands. They have developed
different kinds of classification techniques to handle the elimination of inferior solutions, sorting of alternatives into groups ranked according to preference, and placing alternatives into nominal categories.
With respect to sorting, a case-based distance approach and a data
envelopment analysis technique have been mathematically defined and
applied to case studies. Recently, they have proposed special MCDA
methods for use in group decision making and negotiation. In fact, they have been working on problems in decision making under uncertainty and risk analysis
through the introduction of fuzzy set theory into MCDA starting in the
mid-1970s and information-gap modeling. These and other related methods
have been applied to societal decision problems in water
supply planning, varying water levels in the Great Lakes, electrical
generation, third world infrastructure redevelopment, inventory
management and business.